Let the meat you eat be a vote for an animal's quality of life.

How It Works
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3
Choose from our meat boxes or make up your own, then set your frequency for delivery.
Increase the demand for ethically source animal products.
We will deliver your order right to your front door.

So What Are We Actually Doing?

Grass Fed and Finished Beef
This is a huge opportunity to improve animal welfare! Thanks to the technology of sexed semen, all the beef raised for Moral Eats are Angus crosses from the dairy industry. Dairy animals are bred for milk production and don't normally put on meat easily. However, these calves are half Angus and half Holstein, which makes it possible to give them a longer life on pasture.
Pastured Turkey
Pastured turkeys are part of a rotational grazing system designed to regenerate the pasture and improve the environment. They are raised on grass and are moved regularly along with their mobile shelter. Turkeys will eat up to 40 percent of their diet as grass, but turkeys prefer shorter grass. So, idealy they follow a herd of cattle, much like birds did with the herds of buffalo across North America. In return, the pastures improve because of the high nitrogen levels in the turkey manure, providing more feed for
the cattle.

Pastured Pork
Pigs are very intellegent animals and need a lot of stimulation to keep them occupied. Pigs naturally root and dig and can be quite destructive. Pigs originated from the woodlands of Europe, and when pastured pigs are raised in a woodlot, their destructive habits can keep the forest in a stage of rapid growth and carbon sequestration. All the
pork for Moral Eats are raised on pasture without the use of farrowing crates.
Moral Milk
What was once impossible is beginning to change. Also known as a cow-with-calf dairy, Moral Milk has the opportunity to make a massive difference in the well being of dairy cows.
So, what is Moral Milk?
Calves are raised by their mothers
Cow forms a maternal bond
Calf can learn social behaviours from their mother
Cows have access to pasture
But it is only an improvement in welfare if the calves stay healthy which is the reason why they are normally separated. With your support, we can bring Moral Milk to market in 3 years. To show you support, learn more and get early access, join our waitlist

Making A Difference

Can one person really make a difference? Of Course!!! Change starts with the individual, but it grows into a movement when they collect into a community. The community at Moral Eats is improving the lives of farm animals by increasing the demand for ethically sourced animal products. True power lies in the collective strength of communities united towards a common purpose.
Together We Can:
increase the demand for farm animals to have an amazing life,
prove humane farming practices is sustainable and profitable,
challenge outdated norms,
advocate for better treatment of animals, and
demand more sustainable practices from the industry.
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Do Happy Animals Make Better Meat?
Well actually, yes. Minimizing stress in animals intended for meat production is beneficial not only for animal welfare but also for optimizing meat quality. There are two conditions called DFD meat and PSE meat that occures when animals are stressed.
DFD meat: Dark, firm, and dry meat tougher and less tender. It occurs when an animal experiences extreme stress prior to slaughter. This stress depletes the animal's glycogen stores leading to a higher pH level in the muscle post-slaughter. It may have a reduced shelf life but can still be safe to consume.
PSE meat: Pail, soft, and exudative meat is characterized by a pale color, soft texture, and high water content. It occurs due to rapid pH decline in the muscles after slaughter from stress. PSE meat is less juicy and has a blander taste compared to normal meat.
Our animals have a blast on pasture, but grass fed meats also have significantly higher levels of anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory markers, polyphenols, and omega 3 fats.
Happy animals are less stressed which is important because, fear and chronic stress increases oxidative stress and inflammation which ultimately affects the meat.